At IARPA, we take real risks, solve hard problems, and invest in high-risk/high-payoff research that has the potential to provide our nation with an overwhelming intelligence advantage.
Check out the latest about IARPA in the news, learn about IARPA's impact, and explore upcoming opportunities that may be of interest.
SIGNAL Magazine - An Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA) program aimed at protecting artificial intelligence (AI) systems from Trojan attacks is affecting rel...
Waveforms like Wi-Fi, 4G/5G, and Bluetooth satisfy the general population’s basic wireless communication and information sharing needs, but the static nature of these fixed wavef...
National security missions need to generate, store, use, transmit, and receive information and data both in secure facilities and “in the wild.” Waveforms are often used as the... The Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA) — the research and development arm of the Office of the Director of National Intelligence — today announced...
SOLSTICE BAA The SOLSTICE program aims to develop novel solar-powered and hybrid solar-powered systems with significantly higher power density than existing technologies. These sys...
The Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA) is seeking information on methodologies to assess Foreign Malign Influence (FMI). FMI includes “subversive, undeclare...
IARPA's collaboration with Intelligence Community (IC) partners ensures our ability to address cross-agency challenges, leveraging both operational and research and development expertise from across the IC.
Office of Analysis
Analysis focuses on maximizing insights from the massive, disparate, unreliable, and dynamic data that are—or could be—available to analysts, in a timely manner.
Collection aims to improve the value of collected data by developing new sensor and transmission technologies, collection techniques that more precisely target desired information, and means for collecting from previously inaccessible sources.
IARPA's mission is to push the boundaries of science to develop solutions that empower the Intelligence Community and ensure more robust support to national security. We also facilitate the transition of research results to our IC customers for operational application.