- Maintain a security risk-management process to identify and protect information important to national security.
- Balance the benefits of acquiring the most innovative research and development (R&D) against the identified risks to national security and the Intelligence Community (IC).
- Enable the successful transition of IARPA advanced R&D results to the IC without compromise of current or future capabilities.
- Research, identify, and evaluate vulnerabilities to the IC and USG posed by proposed research goals, approaches, and performers
- Identify risks and recommend protection strategies addressing export controls, intellectual property, and the rare need for classification
- Provide proactive and periodic pre-publication, classification, security, and acquisition activity reviews
- Characterize global interest in relevant research areas and maintain awareness of IC and USG equities dependent research outcomes

RTP As Best Practice
In 2014, former Director of National Intelligence, James R. clapper wrote,
"...[I] was impressed with the robust IARPA research and technology protection (RTP) process...[it] should become widely adopted as an IC best practice."
In 2015, the Information Security Oversight Office, which is responsible to the President for policy and oversight of the Government-wide security classification system, identified IARPA's classification guidance review process as a best practice.
In 2016, the ODNI FY2016-20 IC Strategic Plan identified RTP’s process of balancing open, unrestricted scientific collaboration with the needs of national security as a best practice.

National Security Decision Directive (NSDD) 189 remains cornerstone policy clearly distinguishing fundamental from classified research; IARPA performs unrestricted, advanced R&D to the maximum extent possible while guarding against the intense efforts by adversarial governments to exploit our R&D accomplishments.
- Expertise in multiple technical and intelligence disciplines, risk analysis, classification guidance
- Supports IARPA Leadership and Program Managers to build robust and manageable security and protection strategies
- Reaches out to other USG research security teams to share knowledge and lessons learned in safeguarding unclassified R&D
More information can be found on ODNI's Reasearch Security webpage.